
Introducing Our Official Game Master Account!

2024-07-19 17:03:43

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official Taiwan Game Master account, "遊戲管理員".

Official Account:

1. Nickname: 遊戲管理員

2. Official Operation Starting Date: 07/22

3. Remark: You can search for us and add us as a friend now, but please note that we won't be able to reply until next Monday.

Starting next Monday, 07/22, you can reach out to us directly for any issues, and we’ll respond as quickly as possible. 

Our friendly Game Masters are here to assist you! Feel free to add us to your friend list and chat with us 1:1 for faster responses.

Operating Hours:

1. Days: Monday to Friday

2. Time: 9 AM to 6 PM

3. Service Region: Currently, we will only operate in the Taiwan service region.

For payment-related inquiries, game bugs or etc requiring file attachments, please contact us through the link below :


To ensure a positive experience for everyone, please follow these guidelines:

1. Respectful Communication: Avoid using abusive, threatening, or sexually explicit language.

2. Relevant Inquiries Only: Limit questions to game-related topics.

3. No Monetary Requests: Refrain from requesting money from our Game Master account.

4. No Impersonation: Do not impersonate our Game Master account.

5. Honest Reporting: Provide truthful and accurate information when contacting us.

Inappropriate behavior or harmful content will be reviewed, and users may be banned accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

  • E-mail : support@winjoyonline.zendesk.com
  • 本游戏情节涉及棋牌益智及娱乐,非现金交易赌博,用户请勿进行非法游戏币交易。
  • 此为机会中奖商品,消费者购买或参与活动不代表即可获得特定商品。
  • 本游戏为免费游戏,但游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。限制行为能力人及无行为能力者,消费前应经法定代理人同意或代为之。
  • 请注意游戏时间,避免沉迷,长时间进行游戏,容易影响作息,宜适度休息及运动。

