
[NEW] 👍🏻 Like Profile Feature

2024-01-25 08:53:05

Greetings, valued Winjoy Online Players! 

We have an exciting announcement for you! 😍

A new feature has been added to the game with today's update - 👍🏻 Like Profile

To explore the new feature, check your Mission board now!🎯💯

Claim your rewards by completing the Like Profile Mission now! 

Thank you! 

  • E-mail : support@winjoyonline.zendesk.com
  • 本游戏情节涉及棋牌益智及娱乐,非现金交易赌博,用户请勿进行非法游戏币交易。
  • 此为机会中奖商品,消费者购买或参与活动不代表即可获得特定商品。
  • 本游戏为免费游戏,但游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。限制行为能力人及无行为能力者,消费前应经法定代理人同意或代为之。
  • 请注意游戏时间,避免沉迷,长时间进行游戏,容易影响作息,宜适度休息及运动。

